Capacity Building:

SIRD & PR, Tamil Nadu conducts training programmes in several thrust areas of Rural Development and decentralized governance. The Institute Provides intensive training in face –to-face mode, employing contemporary methodologies and technologies to suit different programme requirements.Theform, content and delivery mechanisms of the programmes are developed with the assistance of experts in the respective fields. A right mixture of presentations, panel discussions, demonstrations, lectures, case-studies, role –playing, experience sharing, brain-storming and field exposures are effectively used in the training process with emphasis on participatory and interactive learning components.

Thrust areas

Flagship Programme of the Central and State Governments, Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation - Rain Water Harvesting –VPDP- Solid Waste Management - Solar Energy - Gender issues - Leadership qualities – Panchayat Raj Administration, Panchayat Accounts and Audit - Establishment matters - Technical matters - Computer application - Disaster Management Programmes - Right to Information Act 2005- Preparation of Development Plan at the Village Level, Health and Nutrition related issues, SDGs etc.


The clientele of SIRD & PR includes;

  • Elected Representatives:

    • District Panchayat Chairpersons
    • District Panchayat Ward Members
    • Panchayat Unions Chairpersons
    • Panchayat Union Ward Members
    • Village Panchayat Presidents on selected basis
    • Village Panchayat Ward members

  • Officials of RD & PR

    • Joint Directors (Project Directors of DRDAs, Principals of RIRDs ,Project Directors (TNSRLM)
    • Assistant Project officers of DRDAs.
    • Assistant Directors (Panchayats)
    • Assistant Directors (Audit )
    • Personal Assistant to Collector (Nutritious meal Programme),
    • Assistant Directors (Small Savings)
    • Personal Assistant to Collectors ( Panchayat Development )
    • Faculty Members of RIRDs
    • Block Development Officers (Block Panchayat)
    • Block Development Officers (Village Panchayat )
    • Deputy Block Development Officers (Schemes )
    • Deputy Block Development Officers (Audit )
    • Deputy Block Development Officers (MGNREGS)

  • Officials belonging to Engineering wing of RD & PR Department

    i. Executive Engineers
    ii. Assistant Executive Engineers
    iii. Assistant Executive Engineers (RD)
    iv. Assistant Engineers/Block Engineers
    v. Junior Drafting officer
    vi. Overseers
    vii. Road Inspectors

  • Officials belonging to Sectorial Departments Like :

    1. Agriculture
    2. Agriculture Engineering
    3. Co operation
    4. Water Supply & Municipal Administration
    5. Civil Supplies
    6. Public work Departments
    7. Highways
    8. Tamil Nadu Water and Drainage Board

  • Others :-

    i. Members of SHGs / PLFs,
    ii. Bankers, NGOs and others
    iii. Students from Colleges and Universities etc.,

Training Methodology

The SIRD & PR follows the participatory training methodology of ‘lecture cum discussion method. The training methodology also includes games, role plays, energizers, panel discussion, exposure visits, chart preparation and so on.

The sessions are handled by subject experts from SIRD & PR, Officials of State Government departments, Faculty Members from academic institutions, best Village Panchayat Presidents and others. The institute encourages open discussions among the participants.